Remote Spirit Release Protocol Topics
Sovereignty. Sovereignty is a divine right and refers to a person having free will and absolute authority over themselves and decisions they are making. If the Psychic Medium receives a “no” when asked if the recipient is sovereign, it means a non-physical entity, or an Earthbound spirit has compromised the recipient’s free will. Sovereignty of the recipient is checked at the beginning of a RSR session and also at the end of the session.
Dark Force Entities (DFEs). Non-physical, non-human dark force entities (DFEs) exist all around us, but are undetectable to our human senses. Some of these entities have been created by human emotions, thoughts, and beliefs, but some of the entities have existed on and off planet long before humans. A person who is impacted by a DFE might have a range of negative emotional and physical issues, including anxiety, depression, headaches, pain, hearing voices, disturbing nightmares, and disease. DFEs can connect to your energy field to siphon your energy, and other entities can buy your energy from them. The suicide frequency is most valuable on the marketplace because of the fear involved. For the RSR protocol, DFEs are divided into three levels to simplify the information:
• Level 1 DFE. The most common DFE attachment in the Astral and the most easily removed. Often is seen as gargoyles or gremlins creatures. Level 1 DFEs can create addictions, whisper in minds. They can cause exhaustion, confusion, anxiety, negative thoughts and behaviors, and physical issues.
• Level 2 DFE. Appears as what might be called a demon in religious traditions. Level 2 DFEs can put thoughts in your head, manipulate emotion to create anger, impulsiveness, and uncharacteristic behaviors. They can siphon energy, cause addictions to drugs and alcohol, and create major disruptions n in a person’s life. These entities are formidable, but typically easy for the guides to clear.
• Level 3 DFE. These entities are most often extraterrestrials or inter-dimensional beings who attach to can create severe and complex issues for humans including self-harm, suicidal thoughts, severe depression, and schizophrenia. The end game for a Level 3 DFE is suicide, because they feed off of the fear and adrenalin of their victims. Level 3 DFEs can be difficult to remove, and the spirit guides may ask for assistance from other positive force entities/extraterrestrials to assist them with their removal.
Grounding. Grounding is essential for the optimized health and well-being. When we are grounded, our thoughts are clearer, our energy is centered, and we feel more centered in ourselves and our body. If someone is not well grounded, they might feel dizzy, lightheaded, lethargic, unbalanced and disconnected from themselves. Being ungrounded can impact many areas of your life including sleep, exercise and concentration. Spiritual grounding connects your body energetically with the energy of Mother Earth. During the SRS session, grounding is checked and, if blocked, repaired and returned to 100%
Inner Etheric. The inner etheric field extends out from the human body and is directly connected to life force. This field supplies vital energy to the human body for all life functions. It is also the primary attachment point and an energetic feeding source for negative energies or entities.. When healthy, the inner etheric appears white and bright. Symptoms of etheric intrusion can include intrusive negative thoughts, hearing voices, schizophrenia, anxiety, depression, bad dreams, social withdrawal, Tourette’s Syndrome, self-harm, hostility, physical pains, delusions, and personality changes.
Outer Etheric/Aura. The outer etheric or Aura, is a multi-layered energy shield creating a protective atmosphere in which we exist. It is an electromagnetic field surrounding a person. Many times this field can be seen as an energetic egg shape surrounding a person. At birth, the auric field is full and protected. If compromised the auric field can be perforated with holes all over. Many factors including operations, witchcraft and black magic, unhealthy food, illegal and prescription drugs, alcohol, and negative emotions (worries/fear) can create holes in the outer etheric which creates easier access to DFEs. Sometimes Issues in the etheric field can affect the body. For example, if there is an energetic attack and an ax is in your neck in the etheric, the person can sometimes feel that pain in their body.
Artificial Intelligence (AI), Implants, Control Mechanisms. These devices can be implanted around or in the etheric body for tracking, monitoring, controlling, or disruption. The control mechanisms are usually, but not always, found alongside level 1 and level 2 DFEs and can obstruct free will. These implants, devices, and AI can induce pain and discomfort, but they can also alter what individuals see, hear, and say, causing psychological distress, personality disorders, narcissism. The devices can block or siphon energy out of chakras and attach to necks and other parts of the body. A simple example of a control device are metal plates placed under the energetic feet of recipients to interrupt grounding.
Curses, Hexes, Spells, Voodoo, Ill-will. Curses, hexes, spells and ill will are very common. Curses can be placed on someone either intentionally or unintentionally, whether consciously or subconsciously, particularly by those who harbor ongoing jealousy or pervasive, negative thoughts about another person. Thoughts equal emotions and someone can blast someone else with negative emotions (unwittingly) and create these kinds of issues. Most energy fields push this kind of energy away or assimilate it, but if not, the energy can create a curse that can harm the person in many different ways. Curses, Hexes, and spells, etc. can be brought from a past life or linked to harmful portals within a home or the etheric field, usually created deliberately to obstruct success, health, and prosperity. Hexes and jinxes are generally considered to be sent intentionally to create some kind of harm for the recipient. Many times, these energetic signatures can be seen as ropes or ties binding a person. All of these kinds of energies can cause misfortune and harm.
Chakras. There are seven primary energy centers in the body that influence emotional and spiritual well-being. They spin and distribute energy throughout the body to provide balance, harmony, and well-being. Each chakra is associated with a particular emotional, physical, and spiritual aspect of a person’s being. Often, energetic blocks interrupt the energy flow, causing physical, emotional, or spiritual imbalances associated with that energy center. If one chakra is too open or closed, it can disturb the balance of all the other chakras. Prolonged imbalance may result in illnesses, depression, anxiety, anger, eating disorders, addictions, and much more. When all chakras are balanced, they nurture good health, a sense of deep understanding, inner strength, inner peace, and a deeper alignment with everything. Clearing and balancing your chakras is of the foundational practices for spiritual hygiene.
Negative Energy Cords. Energy cords connect us energetically to people around us. They allow us to send and receive energetic communication with others. These individuals might include parents, children, friends or anyone you interact with emotionally, mentally or physically. Energetic connection with others is normal and can be a healthy exchange, but sometimes, the connection is not beneficial and can create a drain on your energy and those cords can create exhaustion and negativity. Unfortunately, not only the living can attach to your etheric field through these cords. Entities and Earthbound spirits can also connect, as they often use these cords as an energetic siphon, leaving you feeling “drained” of energy. It is important to be aware of how you feel around other people, places, and situations, especially when you are around people who leave you exhausted after an interaction. The guides can remove negative cords and heal where the cords were connected; however, the connection/cord may return if you are around the same person again without energetic boundaries and protection in place.
Interdimensional Parasites. Interdimensional parasites are small astral creatures who can attach to a person and feed off of low vibrational emotion such as fear, hate, anger, and depression. They are opportunistic entities, and many times appear to the Medium as a swarm of insects such as bees or ants. These parasites can create discomfort or pain, exhaustion, depression, anger, lethargy, anger or unhealthy food cravings along with other issues. People suffering from trauma or who are going through a time of emotional instability or depression are especially vulnerable to these parasitic attachments.
Earthbounds. Earthbound spirits are conscious energies of deceased people who did not enter the light and have not fully transitioned to the spirit realm. There are many reasons and situations a soul might become an Earthbound. Traumatic death, sudden death, or death due to drugs and alcohol can lead to confusion for these souls and can lead to these spirits being unaware of or unwilling to accept their death, causing them to remain on the Earth plane. Other times, a soul is scared to enter the light because they are scared they are going to hell because of religious teachings. Sometimes a soul remains Earthbound to be close to and provide comfort and support to living relatives. Earthbounds can be lonely and looking for human contact and connection and can attach to a human’s etheric field. These Earthbound can absorb emotion and energy from the person and transfer their energy, sometimes causing the person to adopt their mannerisms, behaviors, and addictions leaving a person to feel angry, depressed, etc. Sometimes an Earthbound is unaware of the impact they have on the living and sometimes the living can unknowingly create an Earthbound if they cling onto someone who has died. Earthbounds can be resistant to going into the light. During a RSR session, Earthbounds found attached to, or living near a person are crossed over into the light with love, often with the assistance of not only the guides, but their own deceased loved ones.
Contracts/Agreements. Negative contracts and agreements can often be re-negotiated and rescinded and/or cleared for the recipient’s highest good. Some of the contracts carry over from past lives or can be dark ancestral karmic contracts (such as a vow) that follow a person from lifetime to lifetime. Sometimes a person knowingly enters into a dark contract and sometimes they are tricked into entering into a dark contract by a DFE. Other times they unknowingly enter into a dark contract or agreement not knowing how much it can impact them or that it can follow them from lifetime to lifetime. Each person’s contracts are unique to them and sometimes these kinds of agreements are not able to be negotiated or cleared or are not allowing clearing by the recipient’s higher self. It is very different person to person. During SRS the practioners do not typically inquire about the nature of the contract or the circumstances the contract was formed or who else was involved in the agreement.
Soul Fragments. Soul fragments is another form of disassociation the soul might experience because of traumas. Traumatic events can result in part of the soul disconnecting and can leave a person feeling empty and or like a core part of themselves is missing. Soul fragments can hover close to the soul or be left or lost in past lives or in different realities and dimensions. A person can also unwittingly give some small pieces of their soul to places, events, other people, or entities.
Past Life/Karmic Resonances. An energetic resonance from a past life is the imprint of a traumatic event or injury that overlaps with the current lifetime. Most of the time, we do not recall traumatic events in past lives, but they can impact the current lifetime and create phobias, fears, or other negative emotions and energetic resonances. These types of resonances can show up as a fear of flying after dying in a plane crash in a past life for example or even as physical issues in the body from past life injuries. As we can live hundreds to thousands of lifetimes, it is very beneficial for the guides to clear energetic resonances that might be impacting the recipient’s current lifetime.
Self-Created Negative Thought Forms. Negative self-created thought forms can arise from persistent, negative thinking and can be especially strong if paired with strong, negative emotions. If a person has persistent negative thoughts fueled by negative emotion, the energy can intensify, gain strength, and become its own energetic signature that has form and is independent of the host. These negative thought forms can wreak havoc and fill a person with stress, anxiety and emotional distress. Some thought forms are created by the unconscious mind and can result from unresolved trauma, fears or limiting beliefs. Once an energetically negative thought form is created, it can attract more negativity and entities who have similar frequencies, and the entities can then increase the adverse effects. There can also be positive thought forms created by a person, and these forms can be very beneficial. Working on trauma and learning to recognize negative thoughts and releasing them is an important part of spiritual hygiene. During a RSR session, negative self-created thought forms are removed and replaced with positively charged energy.
Energetic Splits or Dissociated Sub-Personalities. Dissociated sub-personalities or energetic splits can be created when a person has experienced trauma. Dissociation can help a person cope by separating the memory of a traumatic event and mentally escaping from the pain. A person might develop an entirely different personality to handle the pain, or they might create an energetic split from the experience to protect themselves so the trauma cannot be experienced by the soul. This split can create protection for a younger part of themselves. Many times, if an energetic split occurs, a person may have gaps in their memory or no memory of the event at all. The spirit guides help find the dissociated sub-personalities or energetic splits and gently provide healing and re-integration into the soul.