About Me

I had a spiritual awakening around 2017, when I had a voice in my head that was not my own that started talking to me playfully and answering questions. When I asked for a sign that I wasn’t losing my mind, I received solid evidence that I was communicating with a spiritual entity. I was shocked and my world totally changed. I started researching, reading, and watching YouTubes - anything I could find to figure out what was going on. Meditation and automatic writing opened up a new world for me, and after meeting my spirit guides, I was taken on a journey of self-discovery, trauma and shadow work, and deep healing. At first my journey felt wonderful and was all love and light, but as I opened up, I started having disturbing dreams and unwelcome visitors and psychic attacks and I had to learn clearing and protection practices, mostly taught by my Shamanic teacher and my guides. Along the way, I started asking Archangel Michael to clear my home and energy field, and eventually I started asking him and my spirit team to clear and add energetic protection for friends and family members.

After doing this work for some time, I was asking for clearing for a family member in meditation, and was dropped into a huge battle scene with my guides and the Archangels fighting and clearing dark force entities and it was chaos and totally startling and scary. I had no idea these dark entities existed and were attaching to humans. Then I started getting more psychic attacks, and had to learn with my guides how to clear and protect myself more and more. It was very difficult, and I felt very alone. In the end, I trusted my spirit guides who taught me protections, and eventually continued clearing and adding protections for family and friends with a protocol I worked out with my team in spirit. I was following Lara Starr on social media, and she was talking about things I was “seeing” in the work, and then I eventually saw an interview with Jonno and Andy from the Spirit Release Academy on Lara’s page, and felt very strongly led to the work they were doing. Step by step, I listened to my guides and eventually it worked out that I could attend a Spirit Release Academy training course in Ithaca, NY, in October 2024.  After the course and after submitting a portfolio from the class, I was certified as a Remote Spirit Release Practioner with the Academy in February 2025.

Prior to the course, I trained as a Medium in two Suzanne Geismann courses, was certified as a Reiki Master, worked with a Shamanic teacher for over six years, worked with a spiritual coach in the UK for four years, and worked with a Mediumship mentor/teacher for a little over a year. Over the years, my team in spirit has expanded. Archangel Michael oversees all of the energy work I am offering as services, and my team of spirit guides, angels, Shamanic warriors and healers, and spirit animals all help with the energy healing sessions. I feel blessed to know and be able to work with them all.